Back in December, I took a trip out to the desert to welcome in my birthday, a celebration of my fourth decade.
2020 was the year I spent finishing my novel and 2021 was the year I spent editing and refining it to query agents and publishers. While awaiting a contract from a publisher, I went off to give myself a much needed retreat.
I had come across Two Bunch Palms years ago, in search of a quiet place to unwind, immerse in healing water and have healthy food options. As a busy mom, I didn’t get to go back then, but always knew I would. And even with a rainy day, some brisk winter mornings and evenings, I was so glad I made the time to go.
Writers often want to get away to get creative, it’s where the idea of the secluded writing cabin in the forest comes from, (I am working on manifesting that one). Once secluded in nature, we remove ourselves from all stimulation and distraction to be able to create. Create worlds of words and write from our heart. These are the things that happen when we give ourselves the time and space to do so. As a mother of young ones, this can be especially tricky to listen to even when I know I need it the most.
I set an intention before leaving. After such intense editing and querying all year, I wanted to write and relax, and write without an outcome. Poetry, affirmations, journaling, writing about nature. All those things sounded perfect. When I arrived to Two Bunch, I learned that the best place for me to do so was in the hot spring pools. The water felt magical each morning and invited me to open up.

My evening dinners were cozy by the fire in the restaurant, where I had brought some clean wine my girlfriend gifted me to enjoy one night with their amazing menu options, (the eggplant is my favorite and they also have organic-no headache the next day wine on their beverage menu if you desire). Eating solo can be really relaxing and I was not used to such a luxury. At home, my meals consisted of getting dinner on the table right after activities so HW and bedtime routine can be completed on time. Here, I was able to eat slowly, enjoy each bite and sip and watch the fire, people around me and even listen to the music playing in the background with interest.

The property itself has cute areas to retreat to from your room. My favorite was the small labyrinth. If the weather was warmer when I went, I would have also spent time by the small lake where there were plenty of hammocks. The yoga dome was across my room and housed evening yoga that I went to on a rainy day.

I also loved the other classes in the glass house such as angel cards, tarot, intuitive painting and even a sage cleanse. On the morning after my angel card reading, I went into the water and closed my eyes to soak in what was said. Then I opened my eyes, looked up and saw this happen in the sky…just a minute apart.

In the desert, there are messages everywhere, we just have to look and listen. I can’t wait to go back!